Change Log
JEDWare Change Log The mentioned Build History / Change Log reflects all the major changes. Some updates, additions, and fixes
Each user is assigned a user role. Each user role has a customizable list of features to which they have access. Users with the Admin role can completely customize these lists. The first user who registers for your JEDWare integration will get the Admin role assigned by default. You have the option to change this at any time.
You find the user roles in Admin Settings → ROLES
When creating a new user role, you must first give the new role a name. That could be “Sales Department,” for example. After naming the user role, you can grant access to specific features, wallboards, and extensions.
Important: To apply the changes, the user must relog (log out from JEDWare and then log back in through the
Find more Admin Settings info in the posts below
JEDWare Change Log The mentioned Build History / Change Log reflects all the major changes. Some updates, additions, and fixes
Thank you for selecting JEDWare, we sincerely hope you will benefit from our 3CX Add-on in your daily business. How
User Roles We updated the user role behavior to enable admins to control more complicated user role settings. You may now
How to add users to JEDWare In JEDWare, you can create as many users as you want. Each user can
Change time zone How to change your time zone in JEDWare From JEDWare Version 4.2.0 we have included the possibility of changing
Switch to dark mode Now you can switch to dark mode on our JEDWare App From JEDWare App version 4.1.5
Visible extensions in JEDWare How to hide, visible extensions in JEDWare First, go to Admin Settings → General in the top menu. We know
Visible Queues in JEDWare How to hide visible Queues and IVR´s in JEDWare First, go to Admin Settings → GENERAL in the top menu.
Block settings Here you can specify whether the block timer is fixed or not. If you enable this to be
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