JEDWare Queue Watcher
JEDWare Queue Watcher The Queue Watcher is useful when you have a queue, where suddenly no one is logged in,
The Queue Watcher is useful when you have a queue, where suddenly no one is logged in, and you want to keep the calls in the queue.
As soon the Queue has no agents logged in, then the Queue Watcher will immediately log in as “backup”. When an agent logs in to the queue again, the Queue Watcher will automatically log out the very same second.
You need to have a dedicated extension for the Queue Watcher. The extension needs to be registered, available, and added as an agent to the queue, and the extension has to be logged in when you create the Queue watcher. It can be on a desk phone in the cellar, a softphone, a SIP strobe light, etc. In Queue Watcher, click on Add → Choose the queue you want to add to the Queue Watcher.
IMPORTANT: Don’t toggle with the Queue Watchers Extension Login or log out of the queue manually.
1.) Create your Extension to be used as the Queue Watcher, in 3CX
2.) Provision this extension on a phone
3.) Add this extension to the Queue
4.) Make sure this extension is logged into the Queue (Have a look in your 3CX Softphone to see who is logged into the queue)
5.) Go to –> Admin Settings –> Queue Watcher and create the Queue Watcher by selecting:
a. the Queue
b. the just created Extension that is to be used as the Queue Watcher.
6.) If there is someone else Logged into the Queue – the Queue Watcher Extension should be logged out right away.
7.) If no one is Logged into the Queue – the Queue Watcher Extension should be logged into the Queue right away.
8.) Have a look in your 3CX Softphone to see who is logged into the queue, and test that the Queue Watcher extension are logged in as soon as all other are logged out of the queue.
Click Add, and select the queue where you want to add the Queue Watcher. Confirm by clicking OK.
Now pick the extension you want to be the Queue Watcher. You now have a Queue Watcher – in this case, extension 204 for queue 800. Confirm with OK.
To delete a Queue Watcher, simply click on the line of your active Queue Watcher → Click Accept to delete.
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