Report type: Advanced Search

Report Advanced search allows you to search more specific and provides more detailed reports.

Search in Agent, Agent Status, Queue / IVR, Queue CallBack,  Group, By free text in Search, or in the From-To Search. You find these search options in the top menu.

When searching, your results will display in the following order: A menu at the top, a search box, a performance field, a detailed report, and finally an area showing a graph of the selected period.

Search methods

In The AGENT, AGENT STATUS, QUEUE/IVR, and QUEUE CALLBACK, you will be able to search for ALL, one, or several Extensions.

In the GROUP, you can select one Groupname to search for, eg Sales Department, IT Support, or alike.

In the SEARCH, you can search for part of a number, an employee, or a 3CX contact, or even search for several numbers divided by a comma (don’t end the search with a comma:-)

Finally, just in the making, we have our From and To Search

You will be able to specify the time period for your search


For the Agent search, you will be able to select Intervals, eg searching for a day you can select from each 15 min., 30 min., 60 min., and finally just pr day.

If you are searching for a longer period, you can search for or for 15 min a day, 30 min per day, 60 min per day, and per day, all depending on your goal with your report.  

For the Agent STATUS, you can search for a period.

For the QUEUE/IVR, and For GROUPS and Free SEARCH, you will be able to select Intervals, eg searching for a day you can select from each 15 min., 30 min., 60 min, and pr day. 

Advanced search settings

Exclude calls:

In the AGENT Search you can exclude dropped calls before xxx Seconds, and you can exclude drop Calls with a Talktime shorter than xxxx Sec.

In the QUEUE Search you can exclude dropped calls before xxx Seconds, and you can exclude drop Calls with a Talktime shorter than xxxx Sec. , and you can search for Just SLA Breaches after xxx sec.

Use the advanced search settings:

For AGENT and GROUP Search. Besides the above exclude settings, you can select among the below

That could eg. be if you wish to search for inbounds on Fridays for a period of time.

For QUEUE Search

Besides the above exclude settings, you can select among the below


Ignore Queue Redirect

As our JEDWare standard is to show one call from it arrives into the system until it is handled or abandoned, you will not be able to compare with the 3CX Reports where a standard Abandoned call is triggered when the call goes from one Queue to another.

We, have therefore introduced our “Ignore Queue Redirect”, which means you will see abandoned calls from each Queue (Like in the standard 3CX Reports, where a call when it  leaves the queue will be handled as Abandoned)

So feel free to be creative with your reports, You can try to create a report for Queue1, Queue 2, and Queue 3, for your inbound Answered calls Monday to Friday, and you could run the same report, with Ignore Queue Redirects enabled to see the difference.

Use the search filters to adjust your search by the type of call. Choose to show or hide; answered calls, lost calls, inbound calls, outbound calls, or internal calls. Please notice:  calls are either Inbound, Outbound, or Internal. Removing all three will result in empty reports.

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