Report type: AGENT STATUS Search

First, make sure to select Agent status in the top menu.

Now you can choose if you will search for Agent Status for ExtensionQueue or Groups.

You can type in ‘All’ to select all extensions available in the category you are searching in. Doing it this way makes it possible for you to search for multiple agents with Extension.

If you pick Groups you can search for all the agents assigned to a group in your 3CX. 

Queue on the other hand gives you an overview of agents in the chosen queue’s login time.

When searching for extensions or groups

When you search for extensions or by group, you will be presented with an overview of the agents’ status within the time period you have chosen.


To get more detailed information and queue status for each agent, simply click on the agent you want to see more information about. This will show you a detailed status log and also show the agent’s queue status.


When searching for queues

If you decide to search for specific or multiple queues, you will be presented with an overview of the queues you have searched for. By clicking on each of these queues you will be shown all the agents in the queue. It will also tell you how long they have been logged in or out of the queue within the period of time you have chosen. You can click on an individual agent to see a log over when they logged in or out. 

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