Which Windows versions is supported?

JEDWare integration has been tested and is currently supported by the following Windows-based operation systems:

Supported and tested by JEDWare:

  • Windows 10 (Pro, Enterprise)
  • Windows Server 2016 (Standard, Datacenter)*
  • Windows Server 2019 (Standard, Datacenter)

*You can install it on Windows Server 2016 – However there is an issue related to the .NET files. A workaround is to install .Net Framework 4.8 Runtime before you install JEDWare. You will find the .NET 4.8 files here:https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net48

Please note, that your 3CX Server has to restart after the .NET 4.8 installation.

Please ensure to run a 64-bit-based system.

Please note that JEDWare might run on other versions, but it is not tested.

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